Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Love = Happiness

Love is Sharing

Believe me when I say that this is one of the most important ingredients of love. It is important to open ones heart and share – pain, joy, success and failure, it really does not matter, as long as the heart is clear. Love is being honest and knowing that the other person feels the same way too, it is sharing and losing ones inhibitions and knowing that the person on the other side will never be judgmental.

Love is Talking

Yes, love is talking. It is about speaking, telling and sharing. After some time people restrict their conversations to discussing bills, children and pets. This is a sure indicator of things going down hill. Bring the spark back by starting a conversation.

Love is Spending Time Together

A few minutes spent together everyday keeps the boredom away. I just made this up right now, but it is because I feel there is nothing like time invested in a relationship…believe me, it pays! Heavy work schedules take up much time and effort, so it is important to get things into perspective.

Love is Faithfulness

To love means to be true, to love unconditionally means to give with all your heart to one, and only one. Love is when you realize that he/she is the best thing that has happened to you and you want to cherish that person and the moments spent with him/her till death do you part.

Love is Being Friends

Love is being friends with each other. Enjoying simple pleasures in life like shopping, catching a movie or watching television at home, apart from a host of other things that "Friends" normally do!

"Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly
and without law, and must be plucked where it is found,
and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration."

- D. H. Lawrence

Source: Mr. Google:)

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

is she alright?

Jadiiiiii giniiii gue lg ngumpul brg anak2 kan ya biasalah ngerumpi yg gapenting, galau, ketawa tawa trs ngomong ngomong bokep gitu biasalah¬_¬ trs tiba2 tmn gue ada yg bilang jupe jupe gitu. kalo gasalah raka deh,yaaa gue penasaran kan trs gue tanya lah

G: 'eh jupe knp?'

R: 'dia kan mau pake Bh laser tgl 29 wkaka'
kagetlah gue Bh laser gimana bentuknya coba. trs ipal nyaut....
I: 'ohiya diberita td pagi ada kan yak wahahahanjiiiiing'

Dgn nada ketawa ipal yg gue afal bgt pastinya...... trs gue makin penasaran aja kan tuh mkstnya anak2 apaan. trs katanya ditwitter ada tuh jupe ngetweet ttg rencana dia mau pake Bh laser tgl 29 hari ini. yaudah lah gue cek tuh lgsg acc nya jupe &ternyata................bener gue kaget sekaget kagetnya org kaget(?) gue nemuin beberapa tweet yg menurut gue kok awkward bgt ya? nih nih ↓

Whatthe....?!! Omg is she alright?
Jujur gue sempet jijik bgt tp ttp aja gue mau liat hasil Bra lasernya kyk gimana O.o wkaka gue tau lo semua juga pasti nunggu nunggu bgt kan bra lasernya jupe bakal kyk gmn udh ngaku ajadeh...............................^^v

i said......

"I hope you will be my Romeo
because i want to be your Juliet"

I know i dream too much
I just took a deep breathe and let it go.
Just seems like i never thought 'bout all these things
Whether its wrong or right?

The only one

HEY!! they're the only one reason why i decided to survive in my school now.
"The only one reason"


Wait a sec,how could i looked so Fugly?! oh just the camera's effect. Lol
Love, Kriskennadhila.

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010


Billion things that i got in 2010!

  • I got a gift from Hanif in my birthday:)
But i broke up with him on April 22nd 2010.
He broke me up 'cause a thing!

  • I have someone who i really love at that time. Sorry i cant share his pict. Caused 'Privacy' :/
  • In my first year, in Shs. I found a fuckin great-amazing-fabulous-awesome class! Named Xei8ht. I love 'em fuckin much! They're extremely nuts &always talking bout Sex or something like that. Gee!How fool?
And i found 2 angles 0:)
Called Dea &Dinda (Center-Left)

  • Im fallin in Love with Abdul Harist (Called 'Acul') in September end. When i saw he's smiling at me:) Acul is just a boy who said that he likes me when we had our first sight. hmmh...sweet one :$
But we broke up. For twice!
1. 18 November and 2. 17Desember. Twice. He broke me up. Unfortunately :| and you know?I love him like the way i love myself. But now i swear I aint loving him even he'd love me back!! I aint ur fuckin TOYS

  • Well, I went to Lampung w/ my beloved Hardjosoedarmo:D

There's more a Billion experience in 2010 that i havent tell you!
I just realized that 2010 aint too worst for me,

And all the things that i've shared is


Morning everyone! Just woke up &turned on my Pc,a way that i always do in weekend(how bored?) Sooooo i decided to 'surfing' on Terselubung,how interesting! I found a link and i thought that i supposed to open that link, and there's a video fucking great video by Mike Tompkins

Mike Tompkins
Just click the text:)
*Sorry i forgot how to make the Vid looks smaller*

Selasa, 16 November 2010


Desperately to make you believe that i Love you.


sorry. if i cant be your best. if i cant be your greatest girl. sorry if i disappointing you with my bad. i concious that ive made you think that 'hey girl you're so tire' . but you havent know, in my every single night i thought of you my tears was fallin. in every single night i pray for your health. you made me feel that its too futile. i just have to say boys, watch your step. you may unconsciously hurt a girl without knowing that it really hurts. (Via @Janetdvr). is those words touching you?

With Love,

Jumat, 17 September 2010


eh eh woii numpang pamer dulu yak gua,
ini foto waktu jaman dulu bgt sblm gue lahir

*klik aja biar gede*


Wahyu(dikoran nulisnya Hendra) itu bapak gua, nah kalo Yanto itu pakde guaaa HAHAHAHAHA *Evillaugh* okedeh sekian dulu pamernya dadaaaaaaaaaaaa emmmuah!!!


Rabu, 15 September 2010


So easy to forget our love, the little things we do.
Like callin' for no reason, just to say the words, "Baby, I love you."
I know lately I've been busy, but a second doesn't go by without chu crossin' my mind.
It's been so long since we had time, let's take a day and make everything alright.
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again.

Let's runaway to the place where love first found us.

Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us.
When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it.
What I have to say can't wait, all I need is a day,
so let's runaway.
let's runaway, just for the day.

Girl, you've been so patient, spendin' nights alone and not complainin'

But i'll make it up to you and i promise today i won't keep you waitin'.
Please give me this one chance to remind you of everything we have.
I won't give up, I'm too much in love, and I want you to know that.
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again.

Let's runaway to the place where love first found us.

Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us.
When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it.
What i have to say can't wait, all i need is a day.

so let's runaway for the day,

and i'll give everything in this moment.
and i promise to make, everyday just like the day

Let's runaway to the place where love first found us .

Let's runaway for the day, don't need anyone around us.
When everything in love gets so complicated, it only takes a day to change it.
What i have to say can't wait, all i need is a day.
so Lets runaway

Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Happy Ied!!

*klik aja biar gede*

"Ketika diri telah berjuang, kini saatnya
kembali fitri dari semua khilaf yang pernah terjadi.
Andai jari tak sempat berjabat, jika raga tak bisa bersua
bila ada kata membekas luka, semoga
pintu maaf masih terbuka.
Kami, keluarga Wahyu Hendrajaya Sajoeto
mohon maaf,

Minal aidin wal faidzin
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin

Kriskennadhila&kel, xxx

Rabu, 08 September 2010


IH gakjelas bgt ya judul postingnya......hahabodo, ini gue posting subuh subuh loh abis saur.trs(?). oke lgsg aja yak, seperti yg kalian tau ini hari trakhir saur,&trakhir buka puasa kan dibulan Ramadhan2010 ini. tp jujur gue kyk gak ngerasa puasa sama skali khusus thn ini,waktu berasa cepet bgt masa tau tau besok udh lebaran aja. 'ih bau apaan nih?!!?!??!?' 'Bau duit Thr'HAHAHA whattheheck-_-

Tp lo jg pasti tau dongggggg Lebaran kan identiknya gakcuma solat Ied sama Ketupat doang, tapi duit juga dinomer satukan #1. semua anak seumuran gue,bahkan yg udh bangkotan pun pasti mengharapkan hal yg satu itu. niat gue sih kalo gue dapet Thr lbh dari 700rb gue mau nntn konsernya Neyo ihihiiiiiiii*ahh boro,didatengin jg belom!!!. teruuuuus sisanya mau gue tabung ajadeh buat masa depan(?) tp misalnya kurang dr 700rb yaudah gue cukup beli baju tas sepatu dkk aja, ' IH NAJIS SOK KAYAAAAAAAAAAA.....'.

Heeeeeeee parahya gue cerita melenceng bgt wkk intinya gue mau minta maaf ya semua,maafin gue kalo banyak salah semoga Thr kita sama2banyak!! Amin. yaudah ah awak ngantuk blm bobok dr semalem,but whocares?OK bye M u a h h~

Selasa, 07 September 2010

l o n e l y

"Lonely im so lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn....."

eh lu lu lu taugak?kesepian banget gue belakangan ini gaktau knp. tp bukan karna kesepian gakpunya cowok,kalo soal itumah gue gapeduli peduli amat udh biasa haha ya abis gue dirumah cuma bisa ol ol ol &ol gak ada kerjaan lain yg lbh berguna drpd ol. karna apa? mungkin karna gue kesepian,gaktau mau ngomong apa dan sama siapa kecuali tmn2gue didunia maya. gak ada yg bisa di obrolin sm keluarga gue. kesian ya? iya emang kesian bgt gue+_+ blkgn ini sih gue lg sering smsan sm tmn sklh gue,namanya harist.baik deh anaknya, asik juga tp kmrn pas lagi klimaks2nya(bahasanya ganasssssss) rasa bosen gue,eh dia malah tumben gak sms gue yaudahlaaah mau gmn lagi ckkkkkk pdhl lumayan biasanya dia bisa ngibur gue. ohiya kmrn tadinya gue mau traweh tuh,tp gakjadi gara2 angga adek gue yg udh janji katanya mau nemenin traweh eh malah asik nntn Dvd sendirian. SIALAN bgt gaktuh?!! sedih gue,kecewa berat sama tuh anak murka gue! akhirnya gue cuma bisa nangis dan...........biasa lah, kebiasaan gue kalo lagi marah/kesel. ya MUKUL MUKUL TEMBOK!!!!(suram) >:O sambil ol jugasih....



they're my everything:-)

1. Sagita Rarasati.
'lucu bgt anaknya imut imut pendek gitu lucu deh pokoknya,trs kalo diajak curhat....bedeh speechless haha'
2. Khodella Kosta.
'sumpah nih anak kalo diajak apa apa males bgt, gedek gue. eh lo coba deh godain della pasti ketagihan,yakin'
3. Meinar Pradita.
'ini mantan gue!!!HAHAHA gadeng boongan boi, ini org yg paling gue sering cakcakin, mukanya ganashhhh(Y)(Y)'
4. Devina Aulia Bahty.
'strong banget. tp kalo soal cowok rentan, jadi cengeng bgt gitu wkwkwk ini mamahkuuw'
5. Wahyu Irawan.
'abang2an gua nih, cina gabisa melek gitu trs item tp baik bgt sumpah orangnya. kenalan deh(?)'
6. Agustina Horasmin.
'ih lucu ya posenya kyk anjing gitu....hihi ini anak udh gue anggep adek bgt, ah muah deh pokoknya~'
7. Yusuf Maulana.
'cari aja fotonya yg gembrot sendiri gitu,trs photogenic*kali. he's my beloved bitch'
8. Muhammad Daivangga RP.
'ini adek kandung gue, males bahasnya ah. tp dia org yg paling gue sayang ehe'
9. Melur Dwi Karina.
'LEMOT GAK KETOLONG. kalo ngomong sama dia jd mau tobat deh beneran,trs kalo udh ngomong 'ANJING!!!'+___+'


Im ugly
Im weird
Im a geek
Im moron
Im freak!!
Im. Im.....Im.......too much to say


Do you know what?
Im Everyone's. And,

"i love myself the way i am"

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010


hmmmmmmmmmmmmm gmn mulainya ya? sip langsung aja, gue sediiiiiiiiiiiih bgt deh gue mau bgtbgtbgt jadi Osis tp kenyataan nya gak sesuai dgn yg gue mau. Ok gue udh ikut ldk 2minggu lebih, hati gue udh bulet sebulet buletnya mau ikut ldk sampe tuntastastassssss. tapi badan gue ternyata ngelak(?) ngerti gak mksdnya ngelak apa? jd mksdnya tuh badan gue berkata lain, badan gue tuh gak sekuat hati gue. ya alhasil baru ngejalanin 2minggu ldk gue udh sakit 2x. parah kan-_- ya sakit yg pertama sih gak parah2 amat jd gue masih yayaa okelah sakit kecil doang, tp yg kedua............gue sakit krg lbh 4hari lah, ini gue sambil posting jg msh rada pusing gitu(RADAAAAA). trs akhirnya gara2 sakit gue yg hampir 4hari itu gue gak di ijinin ikut ldk lg sama mamahhhely wkaka keren yak?pst beberapa dr lo tau kaaan ibu gue tuh secuek apa sama gue? kaget ya knp tiba2 ibu gue jd perhatian gt sama gue? ya sama lah kaya gue,gue jg kaget banget.

jadi yaaaaaaaa intinya gue sedih bgt lah ini gara2 gue juga sih gak bisa jaga kesehatan. buat kakak panitia inti, maaf ya aku terpaksa ngundurin diri:< ya walaupun blm pasti jg sih tp kemungkinan emg bakal ngundurin diri,ya soalnya org kaga di ijinin mau apadun-..- ohiyaa terutama buat kak Nila, maaf ya kak aku ngundurin diri, maaf aku udh gak bisa nepatin motto yg aku buat maafffffffffffffffffff bgt ini bener bener bukan kemauan aku kak maaf. gue ingetin aja buat ldk llk yg skrg lg ngejalanin ya, mending lo semua jaga badan deh jgn sampe sakit kaya gue gini karna gue tau bgt lo semua niat buat masuk Osis udah bulett bgt kan? ya,sama kaya gue. cuma ya gini deh gara2 gak jaga badan trs sakit trs malah gak di ijinin ikut lagi ck nasip nasipp


Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

one more:D:D

ill share you one more of Gamaliel&Audrey's vid.. seriously im fallin love w/ their voices i really love this one!!!

this is truly funny at the ends hahahahahahahaha lololololol

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


Someday im getting bored, alrite then. i decide to browsing on youtube. well i got much of a spectacular vids!!! it from Gamaliel&Audrey. they're from Indonesian Hurrrayy finally! wanna see one of the vid? Ok,ehm ill share you 'Break ur heart(Taio cruz)' continued to 'Maniac(Girlicious)' both, doesnt have any connected each other actually..

Check this out,

when youve done, check the next video. The real 'Break your heart' by Taio cruz, here we goooo......

Done?Whos better?
pssst.......i vote them hihihihihi

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010


Ok tothepoint aja yaaa gue lg ngefans bgt sama seseorang. beberapa dr lo pasti tau itu siapa kannn? yaa lo bener, itu yg diposting sebelumnya. tp gue gakush nyebut namanya ya malu.....HAHA nih jadi gue kagummmm bgtbgtbgtan sama dia, dia tuh udh baik ramah senyumnya bikin geleger(?) pinter trs apalagi yaa,banyak!!! AAAkakak impian bgt deh pokoknya gue pgn bgt dia jd kakak gue, yatapi pst itu gak mgkn lah udh jelas gak mungkin kan. dia itu kls 12,taun dpn udh lulus ya gue sedih sih dikit cuma bisa liat setaun doang kwkwk taugak sih kalo gakslh dgr dia itu calon pmdk looo hebat ya?IYAAAA bangett trs dia udh jd Osis dr kls 10 loh trstrstrs dia itu dari kls 10 slalu ranking 2. Gee...ceming gue astaga mau bgt kaya gitu! mgkn lo mikir 'ah inimah kayanya kenna suka deh sama kaktommy' jawabannya, nggak gue cuma sekedar ngefans ya asal lo tau aja. emg sih gue drtd kayanya muji2 dia mulu kan? ya tp emg gimana dong gue kan gakmau muna, emg dia hebat ya jd gue akuin dia hebat dong. dia jg keliatannya eksis gt diangkatan kls 10 semuanya kenal dia, semuanya sms dia, semuanya nyapa dia, semuanya mandang dia-_- tp dia jarang nyapa orang,apalagi cewek dia slalu nyapa cowok pdhl gue kan mau disapa HAHAHAHAHAHA gue jd semangat buat masuk sklh, jd males pulang kalo udh bel pulang. krn apa? krn mau liat "senyuman yg bikin gue senyum:D:D"-->Pm msn. kwkwkw udh ah malu gue sumpahdeh, tuhkan gue jd keinget lyric Gaga yg Paparazzi deh masaa

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me.

Eh......................tp nggak kok gue cuma sekedar kagum bukan ngarepin dia suka sm gue. yg ngarep mah siLupita noh:B

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010


gimana?keliatan gak? kalo gak keliatan klik aja biar gede kan jd jelas tuh. atau msh blm jelas jg gue nulis apaan?! ok gue kan baik,nih gue tulisin aja biar lo gak usah repot2 baca dr foto yaaaaa

"Made tommy, aku milih made jadi made terbaik, terfavorite, &termurah senyum loh. jujur waktu pertama kali ngeliat made aku nganggep kalo made tuh beda dari yg lain, gaktau knp. dan ternyata dugaan aku bener, made tuh beda. walaupun made marah dikelasku kaya apa, masang muka jutek kaya apa juga kemarahan&kejutekan made gak tampak dimata aku. made slalu tampak ramah&baik dimata aku. itulah alasan knp aku milih made buat jd orang yg aku kasih surat ini. ya krn made beda. 'I adore you, I really adore you' artinya,aku memujamu. itu kalimat yg pantes banget buat made. itu kuungkapin dari hati. aku kagum bgt sama made. menurutku made Care bgt sama anak-anak baru yg lg diMos. aku bisa liat dari pandangan made ke mereka. aku suka bgt sama senyum made, bikin semua capek aku abis Mos ilang total!! kaya dilahirkan kembali ahaha:P entah knp setiap aku inget Sma3 aku ingetnya made terus. aku semangat buat ikut Mos kalo inget senyuman made. pokoknya aku suka made. maaf kalo aku cuma bisa ngeliatin made dr jauh, bales senyuman made kalo made senyum ke aku, gak bisa ngmg lgsg ke made. itu semua krn nyali aku kecil:)"

Senin, 12 Juli 2010


hola,lama gakposting ya?gak lama2jg sih gue lg sibuk ngurusin Mop/Mos apalah itu gakjls bgt recet rempong ribetttttt disuruh bawa ini itu lah mesti dateng jam 5.45 lah mesti lari dulu lah gakblh pake poni lah ahhhhnjritt kesiksa bgt mana balik Mosnya jam 3 lg gila ngantuk oyy blm nyari bahan bahan yg mesti dibawa besoknya-_-pgn bolos(banget) tp takut jg sm panitia intinya...........panitia intinya iblis taugak?! benci bgt gue ah kampret. dtg kekls gue maennya keroyokan rame2gt malesin bgt. yague tau sih tiap Mos Sma emg gini,buat nguatin mental kita diSma tp gakgitu juga apaaaaaaaaaaaa capekmas. tp itu semua terbayar dr hari trakhir mos. hari trakhir indahhhhhhhh bgt seru(Y)(Y) untung gue masuk tadinya ada niat buat gakmasuk tuh wkak4444 hari trakhir gue ditugasin buat bikin surat cinta,bawa mawar,bawa coklat,sama bawa kado!! katanya buat panitia inti nah yaudah gue sengaja beli yg spesial kan tuh sengaja gue beli yg mahal coklatnya wkkk tp ternyata coklat+kadonya bkn buat panitia inti-_-sial angus duit gue....tp gpp msh ada surat cinta+mawarnya:3:3 taugak gue ngasih siapa?gue ngasih made tommy MHIHIHIHIIHIHIHIHIHI nnt gue post deh isi suratnya ya!skalian upload foto kertas surat beserta isinya awkawakwakwkakwak sygnya kabel datanya blm ketemu sih,emmmm ok enough malu.. dududada


Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

proud of

“i aint a teaser but im a crusher i aint a teaser but im a crusher i aint a teaser but im a crusher. &just for now,i proud of it. its for you god damn hookers

pleased to say that


>:( :@

9Hal yg gue lakuin kalo gue lagi marah/kesel:@

1. Pasang Ac, lanjut tidur
2. Makan/nyemil
3. Dengerin lagu Neyo tanpa nyanyi
4. Nonjok pintu/lemari
5. Pasang muka gak enak
6. Males bgt diajak ngomong, sekalinya diajak ngomong marah
7. Terkadang gigit, nyubit/nyakar bag. tubuh
8. Mandang orang dgn sinis
9. Gak ngomong2 kalo lagi kesel, spontan langsung ngelakuin hal2diatas


1. Gue orangnya sensitif, dikasih tau dikit aja sama orgtua kadang suka langsung nangis. trus terkadang kalo gue dicakin dikit ya gue bisa langsung spontan degdegan...trus nangis. tp lbh sering bodo amat sih mau dikatain apa juga-_+
2. Gue orangnya pemarah, ya berhubungan lah sama yg nomer 1. sensitif sedikit nyambungnya kalo gak nangis ya langsung marah marah. makanya jgn sekali2 lo bikin gue kesel,krn gue kan sensitif nih. paling lo bakal nerima kemarahan gue(wtheck?)
3. Dont forget the last one, gue orangnya kalo ngatain kadang nyes bgt, kadang sihhh. contohnya temen gue yg suka gue cakin itu majing. lo search aja ditwitter/fb: @meinarprdt/meinar pradita. dia pernah gue cakin trus nangis HaHaHaHa pdhl wkt itu gue becandain doang nyuruh dia makan tulang ayam eh dia nangis ucu ucu si ayang lutubet wokwowkwokwk


Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010


Hey, whoever you are, wtv. i just wanna tell you..

I’ll be ur best friend compared all the people around you

I’ll be ur best ex, I’ll make you couldn’t forget me, whoever you are

I’ll be ur best enemy ever. You wont forget all the thing that we’re fightin

I’ll be your best girlfriend til you have a thought that you don't wanna lose me

I’ll be the one who hard to forget from ur mind, whatever the condition

I wont be compared with ur the other friends/ex/enemy

i'll make you think that i'm the one who makes you happy all the time

I'll be you closest person to accompany you when you're getting anger,sad, or happy

You’ll think that you have a family member who have a kindness like a gold

I’ll make you laugh til your throat’s come out with my jokes

Im sincere if i have to lose the people who i really love. for you

Im sincere, if I have to be a tiger’s prey to displaced you.

Well….You know why?

Cause I love you

If We Ever Meet Again

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Bye love seed (-̩̩-̩̩͡_-̩̩-̩̩͡)

Damn!!(Bad opening rite-_-) I wanna tell you bout someone that I've told you on my last post. Do you know what I'm talking bout?well, I'm talking bout 'New love seed' HOHO sounds like a bitch maybe,but I aint a bitch:P:P ehm....ok here we go, guess what?? He has a girlfriend!! How did I know? Well Someday in a beautiful moment I saw his site. Suddenly I found a terrible word(for me of course)--> '120610' wtfffffff?!? Of course you get it. Shocked!! Totally shocked. Gee.....you know what? I really like him. Muchmuchmuch. And now? I have to find a new love seed, the other love seed. Huh,painful people. Don't you get it? I'm talking bout P-A-I-N-F-U-L

This is me

Gafternoon reader, gue pgn share sesuatu. ini ttg perasaan gue yg baru baru aja gue sadar kalo gue punya perasaan itu HEHE. nih jadiiiiii.....gue ngerasa kayanya gue lebih bodo amatan skrg, mau itu penampilan lah, masalah lah, atau apakek gitu-_- tp jujur dgn adanya perasaan gue yg sekarang, gue lbh enjoy aja gitu. ya krn 'Inilah gue', mau lo bilang gue jelek kek nyolot kek sombong kek Ok,terserrrraahh krn gue ya gue. ehm...ngerti gak?contohnya kaya foto gitu, nih kan gue abs dr lampung trs iat hasil foto2pas dilampung &hasilnya gak ada yg bagus. demituhan muka gue absssssssstrak. tp gue bodoamat deh, muka gue emg gitu mau diapain dong?akhirnya keputusan gue buat remove tag(diFb) gak jd. ya jadi lo gak usah asal komentar/mengeluarkan argumen2lo yg gak jls itu lah, ini kan urusan gue, bagian dr hidup gue. emg hidup lo udh perfect? belom kan, gak ush merasa perfect. manusia gak ada yg perfect dlm hal apapun. jd gak usah merasa plg bener buat ngatur hidup orang. atur aja hidup lo bisa kan?

Ps. Misalnya lo yg baca post gue bingung knp gue post kaya gini, ya jgn heran ya,biasa lah penyakit liburan kelamaan bosen sih dirumah online doang, lumutan karatan dakian borokan!!!

The Rules of L♥ve

Ps: maybe you need to copy to you notebook:P:P

The rules of love

Kiss on the lips: I love you

Kiss on the ear: You’re special

Kiss on the nose: Laughter

Kiss on the cheek: Friendship

Kiss on the forehead: I comfort you

Kiss on the neck: I want you

Kiss on the shoulder: You’re wonderful

Kiss anywhere else: Be careful

Play around with hairs: Can’t live without you

Holding hands: Happiness

Arms around waist: You’re mine, I need you

A hug: I care

Nibble on ear: Start warming~

Smiling at each other: I like you

Lifting up eyebrows(wink): Flirtation

Looking around: Hiding true feelings

Tender kiss on the side of ur lips: You’re mine

Wetting ur lips: Waiting for a kiss

Tear drop: I’m losing you

Crying: I lost you

*Repost from someone tumblr*

With Love,


Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

seneng-gak seneng

Kata dida: 'foto itu kan menipu banget. kalo di foto cantik bisa aja aslinya nggak. foto kan manipulasi jadi jangan percaya dulu deh. kayak temen gue, gue liat di facebook foto2nya cantik BANGET. pas gue ketemu dia--> jengjengjeeeeeeng..... tapi ada juga kok yang asli dan pas di foto itu cantiiiik'

trs gue tanya aja lgsg kan,gue penasaran muka gue tipe yg begimane dan dia jawab................'
kalo lo aslinya cantik. tapi gak foto genic-,-' well, im speechless what should i say? akhirnya gue jawab aja 'betul betul betul'-_-

kira2 gue mesti seneng apa nggak ya?hm....ya seneng sih pasti, soalnya brarti gue dibilang cantik kan, cuma ya gak seneng juga wkaka soalnya dibilang gak Fotogenic. bukan gak seneng sih, cuma down HAHAHAHAHA LOL!!!!

With Love,

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Hardjosoedarmo Big Family

Hardjo’s Big family

I love them so much!!♥♥

Senin, 28 Juni 2010


Wherever you're, i'll find you. no matter how far you're i'll be waiting &i promise you. True love. i trust you'll always there beside me. i hope you'll provide your warm hug when i cry. deep down my heart i hope the guy who'll be my true love's you. do you feel the same? same like i feel that way,idts. maybe you love the other girl, &i know it isn't me. i had to move on, find a new love seed(ohh sweet). honestly, ive found a new seed. you shouldnt to know his name rite? well, i remember when i saw him. at the library, weird isnt it? but the fact, it was happened. guess what? he looks like an arabian!! Gee, im speechless...he's cute. really cute. i hope you'll ask me the question that i really22222 wanna hear, 'will you marry me?'(GEE(again) THATS TOO SWEET!! my heartbeat's much faster than before! pls,i cant handle it!!!) i want to hear it, although i wont hear it from the arabian:P:P it can be anyone.well...... i'll roar like a tiger who had bitten his prey with the answer in it, 'ROAARRR(naughty) YESYESYES!!!' sounds lil bit crazy rite?. then we having our first child, twins! i really hope it. and.......... being a lil warm family. a lil SUCCESS warm family-->dont forget that one.

We’re talking about Money$$

Find a new love seed,

And being Success!!

Nela ayu

Nela ayu.

yep,thats her name. she's my cousin. she looks like a model on Looklet isn't it? 2photos mean everything. Honestly, iwanna be like her. posing like a true model it such a one of my dreams:) she'll be my inspiration. keep posing sist, maybe through this way you can be success:D:D

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

dont laugh, dont smile. just shut up moron

i aint never get rid about him anymore. cause i was realized,he'd ever made me happy. really happy:') even..he always made me upset:@ i'll keep his photos on my (¬.¬")Diary. i wont get rid it away. i remember his laugh, his smile, his sweet talk(really sweet talk actually) and manymanymany more. i don't have any respect about him anymore,i just wanna post bout this shit:P to tell you all. cause you wont know deep down on my heart,what i feel now rite?K, forget it its over. i just can tell you through this way, yap Via Blog. want me to tell you all the things that i've felt atm? greet me, know me closer, then you'll know all the things that you're really2wanna know.

Ps: dont smile, dont laugh. just shut up moron. xoxo bitchhhhhh

omfg he's too hot!!

gosh he looks so cute!!

how hot is it?melted? so do i

just hope i can be like her:( i could fly &i can reach the highest sky.

the last one,watch ur eyes girl(!)
